Back2House pres. The Sleeper - 31. mar, 23h - Feedback

Kada: -
Gde: (Balkanska 2a)
Rezervacije: 060 5688734

O događaju:

TheSleeper je rođen u Beogradu. Njegov prvi intenzivni kontakt sa muzikom počeo je kada je, u šest godina, dobio vokmen na poklon. Bio je tako obuzet glasno slušajući muziku da se ne bi odvojio od njega danima. Jedan od tih seansi završila se gupitkom sluha na par dana, ali srećom, to je bio samo privremeni problem; potom je on krenuo da stvara muziku na svoju radost i radost mnogih oko njega.
Sleeper je jedan od osnivača i članova grupe Dirty Cover organizacije. 2000. godine počeo je da se bavi DJingom, a njegov interes i kreativnost su prirodno i spontano rasle i doveli ga do toga da uđe u muzičku produkciju. Njegova muzika i kao producenta i DJa vođena je njegovom filozofijom muzike. Protok mekog zvuka koji se prepliću sa jasnošću ritma, koji teraju vaše telo na ples (To je činjenica!).
Nastupa u velikom broju klubova i festivala širom bivših jugoslovenskih zemalja (npr. Exit festival) i izgradio je ugledno i dobro poznato ime na bivšoj klupskoj sceni. Privlačnost prema muzici koju on producira i izvodi leži u besprekornosti njegovog miksovanja i neobične zbirke ploča.
Izdanja The Sleeper možete naći na sledećim etiketama: Evasive, Shinocs Music, Blue Orb Records, Drugsex, Brosh, Zeitlos Music, Shaker Plates, Ruttelplatten, Silent Breeze, Maintain Replay, Forward Education, Is This, LethalScript, Acilectro, Circles Digital, ViTva, DCSTrax, Manuscript, BaseLegere, Toto, Percent, BigMama, Kotangens, Audiometric, AudioBite, 2600, BMSlim, Proloop, Muenchen, Baccara, Wasabi, Doppelganger, Tantrum Logo, City Life, Dance All Ways, Crack House, Minli Music, Tenor, Funky Town, Funkyroom, Wormland Music, Karma Elements, Karma Of Life ... i još mnoge dolaze! Gledaj ovaj prostor!

Podršku pruža naš host, Aleksandar Milic, više o njemu na njegovom profilu:

Ulaz do 00:00 200rsd
posle 00:00 300rsd!

The Sleeper was born in Belgrade. His first intense contact with music began when he, at six years, received a walkman as a gift. He was so consumed by hearing music loudly that he would not part from it for days. One of these sÈances ended with him loosing hearing for few days, but luckily, that was just a temporary glitch; as he went on to start creating music for his joy, and the joy of many around him.
The Sleeper is one of the founders and group members of Dirty Cover organisation. In year 2000 he started DJing, and his interest and creativity further naturally and spontaneously grew and led him to start with music production. Both his music as a producer and a DJ are guided by his philosophy of music. Flow of the soft sound intertwined with clarity of rhythm, which rushes your body to dance (That is a fact!).
He plays in great number of clubs and festivals throughout ex Yugoslavian countries (e.g. Exit festival), and has built a respectable and well-known name at ex-Yu club scene. The attraction to the music he produces and performs lies in the flawlessness of his mixing and an unusual record collection.
You can find releases of The Sleeper on the following labels: Evasive, Shinocs Music, Blue Orb Records,Drugsex, Brosh, Zeitlos Music,Shaker Plates, Ruttelplatten, Silent Breeze, Maintain Replay, Forward Education, Is This, LethalScript, Acilectro, Circles Digital, ViTva, DCSTrax, Manuscript, BaseLegere, Toto, Percent, BigMama, Kotangens, Audiometric, AudioBite, 2600, BMSlim, Proloop, Muenchen, Baccara, Wasabi, Doppelganger, Tantrum Logo, City Life, Dance All Ways, Crack House, Minli Music, Tenor, Funky Town, Funkyroom, Wormland Music, Karma Elements, Karma Of Life...and many more to come! Watch this space!

Local host: Aleksandar Milic

Tickets: RSD 200 till midnigt, 300RSD after midnight!