Bolesna Štenad i Crveni Karton - 19. jan, 23h - Feedback

Kada: -
Gde: (Balkanska 2a)
Rezervacije: 060 5688734

O događaju:

Bolesna Štenad je bend koji postoji više od pola decenije, a sebe nazivaju jednim od vizuelno najružnijih bendova u regionu. Bend je neuobičajen u svakom smislu, pa i kada je reč o biografiji – nemaju je! U svoja predstavljanja neretko ubacuju izmišljene i krajnje satirične citate, među kojima je i ''citat'' jednog od državnika iz regiona:
”Odlikuje ih nevjerovatan broj fizičkih mana i duševnih bolesti te žive u stalnom strahu da ne završe u nekom cirkusu, a sve se to naravno odražava i na njihovo stvaralaštvo. To je nekakav pokušaj nekakve umjetnosti, ne znam ni ja kako bih to nazvao... bože me... da nema riječi da opišem koliko je to odvratno...” (Filip Vujanović o Bolesnoj Štenadi u listu Slobodna Dalmacija 23.08.2017)

Za Crveni Karton sve kolege, muzički kritičari i portali u glas jednoglasno kažu da su jedni od predvodnika nove generacije srpskih bendova.
Svakog vikenda od grada do grada, čuje se“ Glas” novog vremena koji promovišu momci iz Kruševca.
Koncertno sigurno jedan od najaktivnijih , najsmelijih i najtraženijih mlađih bendova u Srbiji, koji posle nedavne pobede na “BARF”u I putovanjima po raznim gradovima Srbije i regiona, po drugi put dolaze u Niš, tačnije u klub “Feedback”.

Karte u pretprodaji Vintage Shop
Cena karte: 300rsd


Bolesna Štenad is a band that exists for more than half a decade and is calling itself one of the most visually arduous bands in the region. The band is unusual in every sense, even when it comes to biography - they do not have it! In their presentations, they often insert fictitious and utterly satirical quotes, among which is the "quotation" of one of the statesmen from the region:
"They are distinguished by the incredible number of physical defects and mental illnesses, and they live in constant fear not to end up in a circus, and all of this naturally reflects on their creativity. It is some kind of attempt of some kind of art, I do not even know how to call it ... God ... I have no words to describe how disgusting ... "(Filip Vujanovic on the Sons of the Sons in the list Slobodna Dalmacija 23.08.2017)

For Crveni Karton, all colleagues, music critics and portals unanimously say that they are one of the leaders of the new generation of Serbian bands.
Every weekend from city to city, the "Voice" of the new time is being promoted by the guys from Kruševac.
Their concerts are certainly one of the most active, bravest and most sought after among young bands in Serbia, who after a recent victory at BARF (Belgrade Author Rock Festival) and travels to different cities of Serbia and the region, for the second time come to Niš, more precisely, to the Feedback Club.

Presale: Vintage shop
Tickets: RSD 300