Disco Susret Party w/ Dragan Kozlica & Funky Junkie - 10. feb

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Saturday, 10. feb @ Feedback

DISCO SUSRET PARTY w/ Dragan Kozlica & Funky Junkie


* pretprodaja: RSD 250 Vintage Shop, Galileo Tours
* na ulazu: RSD 300

Dragan Kozlica je legendarni radio voditelj i jedan od prvih disk džokeja van Niša koje su putem radio talasa neke mlade generacije ovde mogle da slušaju. U svojoj emisiji "Disco Susret" na talasima radija "Beograd 202", svake srede je promovisao i puštao najnovije ploče koje su se tada slušale po klubovima u svetu. Bez ikakve rezerve se može reći da je Dragan, zajedno uz Zorana Modlija, paradigma hedonističke muzike i načina života koje su mlade generacije 80-ih doživele u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, kao i uzor na osnovu koga su mnogi danas poznati DJevi krenuli da se bave svojim poslom. Iako je više decenija prisutan u muzici i jedan od DJeva sa najdužim stažom koji konstantno radi (ako ne i sa najdužim), i dalje je vise nego aktivan u klubovima. Njegov set odlikuje eklektična mešavina svih stilova u muzici od sedamdesetih do devedesetih. Od funka do proto house zvuka, od italo disca do 80's pop muzike. Ovo je jedinstvena i idealna prilika za sve one koji vole dobro izabranu muziku osamdesetih, za sve nostalgičare, kao i one koji i dan danas vole da čuju nesto staro što se slušalo po klubovima. A ko to može da uradi bolje od onih koji su prezentovali te ploče i stvarali klupsku scenu kakvu danas znamo?

Ovom prilikom za miks pultom svom senseiju će se pridruziti i DJ Funky Junkie (Dejan Gavrilovic), jedan od onih na koje je Kozlica imao veliki muzički uticaj, a specijalno za ovu priliku će poneti svoje ploče iz osamdesetih koje vrlo retko pušta. Italo disco, 80's groove, pop i new wave.


Dragan Kozlica is a legendary radio host and one of the first DJs outside Niš the young generation could listen here through the radio waves. In his show "Disco Meeting" on radio "Belgrade 202", every Wednesday he promoted and released the latest records played in those times in clubs around the world. Without any reservation, it can be said that Dragan, together with Zoran Modli, represents the paradigm of hedonistic music and the way of life that young generations of the 80s experienced in Yugoslavia at the time, as well as a role model for many famous DJs. Although he has been present for more than a decade in music and one of the DJs with the longest time who continuously works (if not the longest), he is still more than active in clubs. His set features an eclectic mix of all styles in music from the seventies to the nineties. From fun to proto-house sound, from a bit of disco to 80's pop music. This is a unique and ideal opportunity for all those who love the well-chosen music of the 80's, for all nostalgics, as well as those who still like to hear the vintage sound i the clubs today. And who can do it better than those who have presented these records and created the club scene that we know today?

On this occasion, DJ Funky Junkie (Dejan Gavrilovic), one of those to whom Kozlica had a great musical influence, will also join his sesei for the mix, and especially for this occasion he will bring his vinyls from the 1980s which he plays very rarely. Italo disco, 80's groove, pop and new wave.