Synchronicity - The Theory of Everything

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The theory of Everything

Codes that run through our veins, tricky allies whom we most often consider foes.
We as humans are afraid that time will kill us, space divide us, and existence escape us. Long we have battled what has always been inside, an eternal shining, the scrutiny of the mind-it’s brilliance still a mystery to us.
The concept of ‘’Letting go’’, it’s beauty, the sometimes difficult grasp of what we feel inside, the theory, the art of being alive-our ability to hold on and to let go.
Through eons seeking perfection, wanting more and more, demanding answers. The trick of the Universe is that the answers are within us, and as we search long and hard in the distance we loose ourselves in the illusions we have created in our minds.
One of the basic rules of the Universe is that NOTHING IS PERFECT. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…without imperfection no one would exist. And perfection as a fool’s notion is in fact a limitation, when you consider something as perfect it is perfect in the form of witch you see it, it cannot be anything else, there for it is limited.
In the ever expanding Universe there are no limitation, it is in fact the epitome of limitlessness.
Our alienation from the Universe, our loss of consciousness has led us to believe that we are not a part of existence.
We are all a function of what the whole Universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.
Our brilliance is in fact our insanity. For long we have searched how to make things permanent, and making them permanent we take life out of them, making them lifeless. The laws in nature govern change, destruction and creation…our starvation for ourselves, our demands for ‘’something else’’ the paradox of change, seeking it far away when it is not in front of us, it is even closer, behind the illusions of the mind, the web of the matrix-it is US.
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Thinking that we have discovered everything in the infinite Universe is a wild chase. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
The Universe does not behave according to our pre-conceived ideas. It continues to surprise us just as we continue to surprise ourselves, the illusion of separation has wrecked havoc on our minds. We are all different, that too is true, just as we are all the same, same destinations different paths. Light and dark, Love and Fear. One can’t exist without the other, the paradox of difference, when in fact equal parts of the whole. Mind and Soul. Body and Spirit. Sun and Moon. Earth and Air. Fire and Water. Male and Female. The connection between the two seemingly opposite parts, yet one cannot exist without the other.
As we can all decipher the Universe is not perfect, it is not solid, it is the warm summer air, the kiss of a loved one, the sparkling night sky… It is ever-changing, becoming, beautiful in it’s imperfection. It allows us to make mistakes, to learn, to not be afraid of time, of imperfection. To discover Love.
And yet nothing is more creative than death, since it is the whole secret of life. It means that the past must be abandoned, that the unknown cannot be avoided, that ‘’I’’ cannot continue, and nothing can be ultimately fixed. When a man knows this, he lives for the first time in his life. By holding his breath, he looses it. By letting go he finds it.
Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
Try to make sense of what you can see and wonder about what makes the universe exist, and you shall learn about yourself. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you just don’t give up.
A tribute to Stephen Hawking (1942-2018).

Namaste Synchronicity tribe, this has been an incredible ride, and just as the Universe we do not intend to stop, we must change and expand through love and pain, to dance both in the sun and in the rain. We bring you celestial sounds of Psychedelic Trance, Goa, Progressive and Full on, taking you back to your roots, to the dawn of existence! Join us on the 30th of March in the Amnesia club, willing to connect, accept, without any regrets!

Peace, Love, Creation.

Jos jedna u nizu Psychedelic zurki je pred nama, druzenje smo zakazali za petak 30. mart u klubu Amnesia. Spremili smo dekoraciju u nasem stilu, za muziku je tu proverena ekipa, a kao i uvek, spremili smo jos puno iznenadjenja! Pratite stranicu i naravno ocekujemo vas! Ulaz: 200 dinara.